Socrates thought the unexamined life was not worth living? When was the last time you stopped to think about why you are doing certain things in life? Why do you live where you live, why do you think like you think, why do you associate with certain types of people? It may seem simple, but often people go into 'auto pilot' mode for years of their life and only 'snap out of it' with the death of a love one or by having a baby or by some other life event that 'demands' attention. However you cannot properly think about these things while in class or in a meeting, you need to properly think. For that I recommend a few things, silence, solitude and sneakers.
Going for walks, alone, in nature without any iPods or phones or camera can be a wonderful time to think about the big picture in life. Just strolling along, at an easy pace, allowing your mind to wander and expand can be a wonderful exercise in a society that demands either multitasking in thinking or tuning out completely.